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    Message from

    The Principal

    Dear Parents, Students, and School Community,

    The 2023 Academic Year was a remarkable journey for our academic team. 

    We successfully organized forty-seven co-curricular activities spanning various fields, including sports, mathematics, science, arts, and languages.These activities, including group studies on Saturdays, night studies, and study camps, played a significant role in positively impacting our students’ performance in national examinations. Additionally, our students actively participated in extracurricular activities such as Chess, Dancing, Drama, Tennis, Basketball, and Futsal.

    As we look forward to the upcoming Induction Program in 2024, it’s essential to acknowledge the critical factors that contribute to student learning. Research spanning five decades in the US has identified 28 key elements that foster effective learning. Among these, the top five include:

    Classroom Management: Our focus for Induction Program 2024 will be on enhancing classroom management practices, and we are committed to reviewing and improving our strategies.

    Study Skills: At the beginning of each academic year, subject teachers guide our students on effective study methods, ensuring they are equipped with the skills they need to excel.

    Academic Knowledge: Our students’ outstanding performance in the National Exams reflects their strong academic foundation. To further enhance this, we are dedicated to promoting textbook reading and extensive practice using question banks.

    Home Environment and Parental Support: We have utilized Class Dojo as a valuable communication tool, strengthening our ties with parents. In 2024, we will further enhance our use of this application to foster even better communication.

    Student-Teacher Social Interaction: We are committed to forging stronger bonds with our students through increased interaction and support.

    In 2024, our primary students will benefit from two online resources, Reading Eggs and Mathletics, to make learning both enjoyable and effective. Additionally, our character-building efforts will be guided by the Wayfinder curriculum from the US, aimed at nurturing resilient individuals.

    Our commitment to extracurricular and co-curricular activities remains unwavering. In the new academic year, students will take on more responsibilities in organizing these activities, and fostering leadership skills and teamwork.

    In summary, we are eagerly looking forward to an exciting 2025. With the continued support of parents and the unwavering cooperation of our students, we are confident that our school, PC, will continue to reach new heights in education.

    Warm regards,


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